Voice Options

What is the Voice Options Program?
Through a partnership with the California Public Utilities Commission(CPUC) Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP) and the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Voice Options program offers eligible Californians who are unable to speak, or who have difficulty speaking, with a free speech-generating device. The goal of this program is to ensure full and equal telephone communications access for all Californians with disabilities.
When it comes to choosing a speech-generating application, it is imperative to select one that highlights your strengths, skills, and fully meets your needs without leaving you feeling restricted. Through this program, any eligible Californian referred to a Voice Options provider will have the opportunity to test five different speech-generating applications for up to 14 days. The five applications that will be provided are:
- GoTalk NOW Plus
- LAMP Words for Life
- Predictable
- Proloquo4Text
- TouchChat HD with WordPower
DAC's Voice Options Program serves the following Northern California Counties:
Butte, Glenn, Tehama, Plumas, Shasta, Lassen, Siskiyou, and Modoc.
If you are outside these counties, please contact The Department of Rehabilitation at 1-916-558-5395 or email them at VoiceOptions@dor.ca.gov to find out who serves your area for the Voice Options program.
Voice Options Referral Form Download Voice Options Authorization Form
Once the trial period has ended, the user will exchange the borrowed iPad for a new one with their preferred speech-generating application already loaded and ready to go.
For more information, please contact:
Wendy Longwell
VoiceOptions - Chico & Redding, CA
2453 Athens Ave. Redding, CA 96001
Some Voice Options Devices & Technology in Action!
For more information on the Voice Options Program please visit the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) website.
Get more info about the Voice Options program HERE (Opens in new window)

A candid picture taken of a clients reaction when she was presented with her new iPad through the Voice Options program. Ana R. can now communicate with her family!